At Kompis Sverige, we work together with different sectors of society in order to contribute to a more inclusive society. This is how you can get involved.
Business development and Social Benefits
Kompis Sverige offers a unique opportunity for value-building partnerships between commercial and non-profit organizations with beating hearts for sustainability and social responsibility! Through our strategic partnerships, we create a common platform to generate business benefit, build strong brands and positive change in society.
We see the power in uniting organizations with people from different cultures. We are experts in creating meaningful meetings where differences are celebrated and inclusion is supported. In our partnerships, new insights, experiences, and competence is created that enriches individuals and organizations as well as society as a whole.
A partnership with Kompis Sverige ensures access to a dedicated group of people who are passionate about social responsibility, diversity, and inclusion. Through us you can reach thousands of people from over 140 countries.
Contact Christina Gjerulf Branting if you want to know more about how your organization can develop through a collaboration with us at Kompis Sverige.
We offer a complement to other integration efforts
We offer an additional solution to the municipalities’ own efforts for integration. We do this through a more individually tailored way of approaching integration, where new Swedes in the municipality are given the opportunity in various ways to meet established Swedes to practice Swedish and increase their social network. Over the years, we have successfully operated in collaboration with over 40 municipalities, and several of our current cooperating municipalities have been working with us since the beginning.
Since 2020, Kompis Sverige has been working together with several regions to offer The Buddy Program and Språkcafé Online (our online language café) in collaboration with local libraries.
Contact Natassia Fry if you want to know more about how Kompis Sverige can contribute to the integration work in your municipality.